We're getting close to the end of Spooky SZN here on MAM, but we can't finish before discussing one that just so happens to be celebrating its 25th birthday. What made URBAN LEGEND a DVD staple in so many homes? Let's throw it back!
THE BIRDS is back in theaters right in time for Spooky SZN on MAM. No better time than now, the 60th anniversary, to do a crossover Throwback episode here on the main feed to break it down! Don't worry, we have a bunch more classic movie talk on the VIP feed! Subscribe at madaboutmoviespodcast.com/vip
It's a movie that has creeped kiddos out for decades now, and it's made by DISNEY? No, not MARS NEEDS MOMS, it's the 1983 classic SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES. Let's review it and hear Brian's terrifying school story about this weird classic.
It's one of the great American PICTURES, and it kickstarted an incredible career for Martin Scorsese. So how does MEAN STREETS hold up after 50 years? Time to throw it back in the MAM VIP!
Time to tally up the results of the MAM 2023 Summer Movie Draft. Who came out on top, and what were the best movies to pick? Plus, we dig into the third of Branagh's Hercule Poirot movies with A HAUNTING IN VENICE. Should they keep making these, or end it here?
VIP talk this week is ALL-TIME FLOP time with TITAN A.E.
Subscribe at madaboutmoviespodcast.com/vip
Time for some Coen Bros Throwback talk as we dive into BURN AFTER READING, one that seems to have aged like fine wine in the Coen filmography. What makes it stand out, and is this Brad Pitt's funniest performance ever?
Kyle from the Big Screen Sports pod stops by the VIP to help us break down one of the seminal football movies of the 90s, 1993's THE PROGRAM starring James Caan, Halle Berry, Omar Epps, and some guys on steroids. How well does it hold up in 2023? Spoiler alert: Not great, Bob.
Time for more DENZEL, and more EQUALIZING, as the third and final(?) installment of the EQUALIZER series is upon us. So join Brian and Kent as they talk all the highs and lows from this franchise as it pulls in an impressive opening weekend.
What better way to spend a holiday than inside, in the AC, re-visiting a classic from 1998? Since we already all watched GODZILLA, how about some ROUNDERS? It's the early days of Damon, Norton, and poker. But how does it hold up in 2023?
CUTTHROAT ISLAND is perhaps the biggest flop of all time, and completely...sank? A studio? Let's talk about this disasterpiece on the latest VIP MAM!
What happens when Hollywood learns the wrong lesson from a successful movie? MEG 2 happens. This week on the MAM main feed, we're talking all the dumbness that MEG 2 brought this summer, with a bigger convo about how 2023 has gone so far.
VIP talk this week is CUTTHROAT ISLAND and ROUNDERS! madaboutmoviespodcast.com/vip
They just keep cranking out these DCEU movies, despite what we already know about the upcoming James Gunn-ing of the franchise. So we review BLUE BEETLE with what it means now, and will it mean anything in the future? With noted DC fans of MAM, Richard and Kent.
It's one of the most critically-acclaimed movies of the 1990s, if not all time, yet it was shut out of the Oscars. What made SEARCHING FOR BOBBY FISCHER so great, and how does it hold up? Chess nerds unite, and join us for a Throwback convo on this classic.
Margot, The Gos, Queen Greta has to be a perfect combination, right? Time to dig into the huge success of BARBIE, and why it's resonating, featuring guest Claudia!
Is there anything cooler than Steve McQueen in BULLITT? No, seriously. That's a big part of the discussion as we throw it back 55 years to one of the most influential car / action / cop movies of all time, right here exclusively in the MAM VIP!
After a long 30+ year wait, we finally have the FOURTH Indiana Jones movie! Join us on our podcast journey as we decipher which button Indiana Jones should've pressed to avoid those booby traps of a disappointing opening weekend. But was the movie disappointing??
It was Arnie at his box office peak, but it didn't bring in box office gold. So what went wrong with LAST ACTION HERO, and is it really as bad as people thought it was 30 years ago? Let's discuss as we continue our theme of ALL-TIME FLOPS here in the VIP!